No 3, Mars 2007
Tome 52, No 3, Mars 2007
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1. Vasile DINOIU
Chemical fluorination of organic compounds
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Key words: fluorine, fluorinating reagents, fluorination, organofluorine compounds
2. Alexandru L. LET, David MAINWAING, Colin RIX and Pandiyan MURUGARAJ
Synthesis and optical properties of TiS2 nanoclusters
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Key words: Quantum, titanium sulfide, chalcogenide, reverse micelle, fluorescence
3. Dorel RADU and Claudiu MAZILU
Implications of the acid-base character for some fixed viscosity points, for oxide vitreous systems
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Key words: glass, basicity, viscosity, correlations
4. Elena BÂCU, Dalila BELEI, Axel COUTURE et Pierre GRANDCLAUDON
Synthèse de nouveaux dérivés N-acylphénothiaziniques potentielment actifs en chimiothérapie
Synthesis of new N-acylphenothiazinic derivatives with potential activity in chemotherapy
Download Art 4 (PDF)
Key words: phenothiazine, 3-methylisoquinoline, pyrrolopyridine, triazole, cycloadditions
5. Silvia IMRE, Laurian VLASE and Sorin LEUCUŢA
HPLC method for quantification of nizatidine and its N-desmethylmetabolite in human plasma
Download Art 5 (PDF)
Key words: nizatidine, N-desmethylnizatine, plasma, HPLC, bioequivalence
6. Marcela MIHAI and Ecaterina Stela DRĂGAN
Formation and colloidal stability of some polyelectrolyte complex dispersion based on random copolymers of AMPS
Download Art 6 (PDF)
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