No 4 Avril 2018
1. Zakiyeh BAYAT
Theoretical study on 1H, 13C NMR shielding, vibrational assignment of three diamondoids (adamantane, diamantane, triamantane) Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 261-264
Key words: 1H, 1C NMR shielding, vibrational assignment, physical properties, adamantane, diamantane, triamantane.
2. Yasemin DÜNDAR, Mahmut ÜLGER, Fatma KAYNAK ONURDAĞ, Suzan ÖKTEN and Tijen ÖNKOLSynthesis and antitubercular activity of ofloxacin derivatives Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 265-272
Key words: ofloxacin, hydrazone derivatives, antitubercular activity.
3. Amrita SHARMA and Poorn Prakash PANDE
Smart polymers for drug delivery system: an overview Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 273-285
Key words: stimuli responsive polymers, controlled drug delivery system, cancer treatment, smart polymers.
4. Ahmed A. Abd Elraady, Gaber H. G. Ahmed and Fawzy H. Assaf
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles for photocatalytic removal of phenol from water Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 634), 287-292
Key words: nanoparticles, phenol, photocatalysis, zinc oxide.
5. Radwan A. ALNAJJAR, Sahar ABDALLA and Yunusa UMARA
DFT study of the effect of halogenation on the conformation of 1,4-dithiin and its S-oxide derivatives Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 293-298
Key words: DFT, tetrahalo-1,4-dithiin, molecular structure, conformational flexibility.
6. Shyam LAL, Mukesh Chandra JOSHI, Sunita HOODA and Vikrant KUMAR
Heteroleptic metal(II) complexes of curcumin and 2,2’-bipyridine: synthesis, characterization, molecular modeling and preliminary antimicrobial investigation Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 299-307
Key words: curcumin; 2,2′-bipyridine; metal complexes; molecular modeling; antimicrobial activity.
7. Hamid SHEYKHI, Moayad Hossaini SADR and Behzad SOLTANI
Synthesis and characterization of copper(II) complex of a new aminophenol ligand as a model for galactose oxidase metalloenzyme active site and its application in aerial alcohol oxidation Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 309-313
Key words: galactose oxidase, aminophenols, alcohol oxidation, non-innocent ligands.
8. Ştefania TŐTŐS, Iuliana VASIAN, Monica GORGAN, Róbert TŐTŐS and Claudia LAR
Efficient synthesis of (5Z,7E)-dodecadienal, the sex pheromone of the European pine moth Dendrolimus pini Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 315-319
Key words: (5Z,7E)-dodecadienal, Pd-catalyst, Fe-catalyst, cross-coupling reaction, sex pheromone.
9. Wen-Mei Wei, Qia XU, Ren-Hui ZHENG and Yi-De QIN
Computational studies on the self-reaction mechanism of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 321-336
Key words: computational study, self-reaction mechanism, Criegee.
10. Da XUE, Fan LIU, Huan GAO, Lu YANG, Yibo WU, Weijian XUE, Zhiping LV and Fuxiang LI
The synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of platinum encapsulated mesoporous sodalite material Rev. Roum. Chim., 2018, 63(4), 337-346
Key words: mesoporous sodalite, Pt encapsulated, hydrogenation, ion exchange.