No 7 / 2021
1. Dana Maria POPESCU-SPINENI, Anca Magdalena MUNTEANU, Constantin IONESCU-TÂRGOVIŞTE, Costin MILITARU and Alexandru Constantin MOLDOVEANU
Cannabis terpenes in relantion to human health
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.01
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 583-592
Key words: terpenes, medicinal cannabis, the “entourage effect”.
2. Xuewu ZUO, Muhammad Kamran SIDDIQUI, Najma Abdul REHMAN and Muhammad NAEEM
Computing topological indices for silicates and honeycomb networks
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.02
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 593-603
Key words: forgotten topological index, hyper zagreb index, first multiple zagreb index, second multiple zagreb index and zagreb polynomials, silicates and honeycomb networks.
3. Mioara COSTACHE, Iuliana MANEA and Laur Constantin MANEA
The use of polysaccharides as dietary fibers to improve the functionality of fast food meat products
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.03
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 605-611
Key words: lipids, dietary fiber, meatballs, functional food.
4. Hicham KOUADRI, Ouahiba BOURICHE, Ouarda DJAOUT, Naima MAOUCHE and Djahida LERARI
Enhancement of the photodegradation resistance and antibacterial properties of PP-HDPE nanocomposites based nanoclay and zinc oxide
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.04
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 613-624
Key words: PP-HDPE, clay, ZnO, nanocomposite, antimicrobial activity, photodegradation resistance.
5. Mohammad K. SABRA, Mahmoud M. Al-KTAIFANI, Abd Alaziz ALSHARIF and Fatemh MAKSOUD
Synthesis and molecular structure of 1,1′-(ethylene-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium tetrachloridocuprate(II)
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.05
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 625-632
Key words: 1,1′-(ethylene-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium tetrachloridocuprate(II), molecular structure, NMR, organic-inorganic hybrid salt, powder X-ray diffraction.
6. Wahiba MECIBAH, Hamza ALLAL, Mouna CHERIFI, Souad BOUASLA and Nabila BOUTEMINE
Theoretical study of chalcone derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for aluminum in acidic environment
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.06
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 633-644
Key words: corrosion inhibitors, quantum-chemical calculation, DFT, chalcone derivatives inhibitors.
7. Claudia COBZARU, Genoveva BORDEIANU, Gabriela Antoaneta APOSTOLESCU, Ramona-Elena TATARU-FARMUŞ, Nicolae APOSTOLESCU and Corina CERNATESCU
Thermal and photochemical degradation of cooked sunflower, olive and palm oilsDOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.07
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 645-652
Key words: sunflower oil, olive oil, palm oil, cooking, photo degradation.
8. Souad BOUASLA, Chafia SOBHI, Hamza ALLAL, Wahiba MECIBAH, Mouna CHERIFI and Issam BOUGDAH
Synthesis, antioxidant and DFT study of some 4-methyl-2H-chromen-2-one derivatives
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.08
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 65(7), 653-660
Key words: coumarin, Pechmann condensation, antioxidant activity, DPPH, DFT.
9. Hajer RIGUENE, Ghayth RIGANE and Ridha BEN SALEM
Enhanced production of phenolic compounds from Jasminum grandiflorum leaves by response surface methodology
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.09
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 661-674
Key words: Jasminum grandiflorum Linn, phenolic compounds, ultrasoundassisted extraction (UAE), response surface methodology (RSM).
Removal of safranin from the environment by using graphene oxide paper
DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2021.66.7.10
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2021, 66(7), 675-681
Key words: adsorbent, adsorption capacity, GO paper, safranin.