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1. Sebnem SENOL and Emel AKYOL

In-vitro evaluation of co-excipients for release of donepezil hydrochloride from Carbopol 974P based tablets

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67.10-12.01

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 515–523

Key words: Carbopol 974P based tablets, in-vitro release behavior, donepezil HCl, drug release kinetics, gelatin.

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2. M. Mazhar Abbas SHAHANI, Farzana AHMAD, Muhammad JAMIL and Musa Kaleem BALOCH

An investigation into synthesis and characterization of Ag-nanoparticles using green chemistry, and their antibacterial properties

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67.10-12.02

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 525–534

Key words: silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs), rose leaves, plant extract, green chemistry, antibacterial, spread plate method.

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3. Busra Nagihan OZTURK, Serap AYAZ SEYHAN and Dilek BILGIC ALKAYA

Determination of amygdalin in fifteen different fruit kernels and extraction optimization

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67.10-12.03

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 535–547

Key words: amygdalin, HPLC, extraction, fruit, kernel.

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4. Daniela GHEORGHE, Ana NEACSU, Ancuta Mihaela SOFRONIA and Stefan PERISANU

Thermodynamic properties of some monoterpenes with pharmacological applications

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67. 10-12.04

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 549–558

Key words: antimicrobial agents, enthalpy of combustion and formation, phenolic terpenes, TG/DSC.

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5. Abdenabi ABIDI, Mohamed DJERMANE, Mostepha IEZID, Noureddine GHERRAF and Maxime PONTIE

Eco-extraction process of essential oil of the vegetal species Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Dehnh.: parametric modeling and optimization by Box-Behnken plan

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67.10-12.05

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 559–568

Key words: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, essential oil, hydrodistillation, response surface, Box-Behnken.

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6. Onur Kenan ULUTAŞ and Aysel BERKKANA new direct extraction by gas-chromatography with flame ionization detector coupled to head space method for the determination of alcohol content of high matrix wine products

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67.10-12.06

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 569–577

Key words: HS-GC-FID, alcohol content, analytical performance and validation fermented products, high matrix.

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7. Fatemeh Samandi ZADEH, Mohammad Kazem MOHAMMADI, Ayeh RAYATZADEH and Neda HASANZADEH

Synthesis and cytotoxic activity evaluation of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives using Ag2O/GO/TiO2 composite nanostructure

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67.10-12.07

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 579–589

Key words: 1,4 dihydropyridine, solvent free, Ag2O/GO/TiO2, nano composite, cytotoxic.

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8. Mihai RĂDUCĂ, Ciprian I. RAȚ and Mihaela CRISTEA

Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of (Z)-2-phenyl-4-((4,6,8-trimethylazulen-1- yl)methylene)oxazol-5(4H)-one

DOI: 10.33224/rrch.2022.67.10-12.08

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 591–596

Key words: 1-vinylazulenes, Wittig reaction, Knoëvenagel condensation, Erlenmeyer-Plöchl reaction, modified electrodes, heavy metal ions recognition.

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9. Index of authors

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 597–603

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10. Index of subjects

Rev. Roum. Chim., 2022, 67(10–12), 605–607

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