No 5-6 / 2023

Professor Bogdan C. Simionescu at his 75th anniversary
Rev. Roum. Chim., 2023, 68(5–6), 197–200
2. Sabina Ioana TRIFAN and Daniela IVANOV
Strategies of hyaluronan chemical modifications for biomedical applications
Key words: hyaluronan, hyaluronic acid, chemical modifications, biomaterials, biomedical applications.
3. Lavinia CORJUC, Cristian SILVESTRU and Anca SILVESTRU
New organobismuth(III) compounds based on a tetrahydro-dibenzo[c,f][1,5] azabismocine heterocyclic framework
Key words: organobismuth chalcogenides, hypercoordination, solution behavior, single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
4. Mihai RĂDUCĂ, Marius Mihai ZAHARIA and Marius ANDRUH
Synthesis and crystal structures of yttrium and dysprosium tetrakis(hexafluoroacetylacetonato) complex anions with tetramethylammonium counterions
Key words: hexafluoroacetylacetonate, X-ray structure, yttrium complexes, dysprosium complexes.
5. Andreea Irina BARZIC, Iuliana STOICA, Marius SOROCEANU, Simona Luminita NICA and Raluca Marinica ALBU
Polyimide precursor/functionalized carbon nanotubes: molecular modeling and physical properties theoretical evaluation
Key words: polymer, carbon nanotubes, conductivity.
6. Raluca Marinica ALBU, Luminita Ioana BURUIANA, Iuliana STOICA, Camelia HULUBEI and Andreea Irina BARZIC
Dianhydride moieties involvement on the interactions of some polyimides with nematic compounds
Key words: polyimide, liquid crystal, optical properties, adhesion.
7. Carmen RACLES
Molecular and silica-supported metal complexes as new catalysts for hydrosilylation
Key words: catalysis; hydrosilylation; metal complexes; silica-supported catalyst; disiloxane ligands.
8. Alina NICOLESCU, Anton Airinei, Emilian GEORGESCU, Florentina GEORGESCU, Radu Tigoianu, Florea DUMITRASCU, Marcel Mirel POPA, Adriana T. MARINOIU and Calin DELEANU
Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of novel indolizines and azaindolizines
Key words: indolizines, azaindolizines, pyrrolo[1,2-c]pyrimidines, NMR, fluorescence.
9. Cătălin DUDUIANU, Alina NICOLESCU, Mihaela CRISTEA, Raluca STAN and Calin DELEANU
NMR proven albumin interaction with metabolites in complex mixtures
Key words: proteins, metabolites, NMR, fragment screening.
10. Carmen-Irena MITAN, Emerich BARTHA and Petru FILIP
Relationship between tetrahedral and dihedral on hypersphere coordinates
Key words: hypersphere coordinated, tetrahedral angle, Hopf fibration, dihedral angle, vicinal angles.
11. Carmen-Irena MITAN, Emerich BARTHA and Petru FILIP
Tetrahedral angles of six membered ring calculated from NMR data with 3-sphere approach
Key words: 3-sphere, tetrahedral angles, dihedral angles, hypersphere coordinated.
12. Elena BACALUM, Toma GALAON, Andreia-Cristina SOARE, Victor DAVID and Serban C. MOLDOVEANU
Comparative study for the retention of some benzodiazepines in reversed-phase liquid chromatography using C8, C18, C6H5 and CN stationary phases
Key words: benzodiazepines, reversed-phase HPLC, retention dependences, hydrophobicity, mobile phase.
13. Ştefania-Claudia JITARU and Gabi Drochioiu
Mass spectrometric characterization of some gel-forming peptides
Key words: peptide synthesis, mass spectrometry, aggregation, molecular modelling, infrared spectroscopy.