We are pleased to request your scientific contribution to the
17th International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM-17
Bucharest, September 25 – 27, 2023
The 17th edition of this conference is organized by the „Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Faculty of Chemistry – University of Bucharest, and ALPHA Association.
This is a special edition that marks the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, founded in 1963 by Professor Ilie Murgulescu and 55 years since the first ROMPHYSCHEM conference.
The conference will take place between September 25 – 27, 2023 in Bucharest, in the Aula of the Romanian Academy and Amphitheatre “Ion Heliade Radulescu” of the Romanian Academy Library, 125 Calea Victoriei Street, Bucharest, Romania.
The event will cover the following topics:
Section 1: Theoretical chemistry. Molecular spectroscopy. Section 2: Chemical kinetics and thermodynamics. Section 3: Catalysis and Chemical Engineering.
Section 4: Electrochemistry. Corrosion. Ionic liquids.
Section 5: Advanced materials science.
Section 6: Biophysical and pharmaceutical physical chemistry.
Section 7: Green chemistry and environmental engineering.
Workshop 8: Advanced ellipsometric and spectroscopic techniques: applications in environment, energy and sensing.
Workshop 9: Sol-gel science and applications. Workshop 10: Physical chemistry of soft materials.
The three days of conference will host plenary lectures, keynotes (as oral presentations) and poster sessions.
Payment of one registration fee allows the participant to present in conference maximum 2 scientific contributions where he/she is co-author. Participants that wish to present more than 2 scientific contributions will pay once again the registration fee for each 2 scientific contributions.
Registration fees are to be paid to:
Asociatia ALPHA
CIF 23863493
Raiffeisen Bank – Ag. Stirbei Voda
RO14RZBR0000060023475693 – RON
RO29RZBR0000060024353079 – EUR ;
SWIFT: RZBRROBU, mentioning “name of the participant – Registration fee ROMPHYSCHEM-17”
Other information about this scientific event is available online on the ROMPHYSCHEM-17 dedicated site:
where details concerning calendar, sections, location and on-line registration, as well as downloadable items are available.
We would highly appreciate your interest in ROMPHYSCHEM-17 and are waiting for you in Bucharest.
Sincerely Yours,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Dr. Ioan Balint,
Director of “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy
Redacţia revistei, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, pregăteşte în anul 2023 urmatoarele numere omagiale dedicate:
- Acad. Maria ZAHARESCU,
- Acad. Bogdan C. SIMIONESCU,
- Dr. Niculae I. IONESCU, membru de onoare al Academiei Române.
Profesorii şi cercetătorii care doresc să participe cu lucrari originale la aceste numere (în limita spaţiului grafic accesibil) sunt rugaţi să trimită manuscrisele (în conformitate cu regulile editoriale) pe platforma revistei ( până la data de 1 decembrie 2022.
Redactia revistei Revue Roumaine de Chimie pregateste in anul 2017 urmatoarele numere omagiale dedicate:
- Acad. Ionel HAIDUC, cu ocazia implinirii a 80 de ani;
- Victor-Emanuel SAHINI, cu ocazia implinirii a 90 de ani;
Profesorii si cercetatorii care doresc sa participe cu lucrari originale la aceste numere (in limita spatiului grafic accesibil) sunt rugati sa trimita manuscrisele (in conformitate cu regulile editoriale) pe platforma revistei ( sau sau pe adresele de email ( sau pana la data de 15 decembrie 2016.
The 3rd Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry: South‐East Europe
organized by
Roumanian Chemical Society
University Politehnica of Bucharest
The Third Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry—South-East Europe (RSE-SEE3) willtake place from 13–17 May 2012 in Bucharest, Roumania-Hotel Ramada Bucharest Parc.
The electrochemists from South-East Europe, recognizing the significance of the field to science, technology, and every-day life, have decided to provide a broad framework for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and expertise among themselves and with the international electrochemical and scientific community at large. The first RSE-was held in Rovinj, Croatia in 2008 and the second one in Belgrade 2010.
The conference will consist of invited speakers’ lectures and oral and poster contributions from more than 200 specialists from the region and around the world.
The main objectives of the RSE-SEE could be summarized as follows:
promotion of electrochemistry and its visibility as a part of science and basis of a significant part of modern technology
creation and promotion of international cooperation and direct contacts among electrochemists, and particularly among young researchers entering the field of electrochemistry
establishment and maintenance of high-quality methods and standards in electrochemical research
The RSE-SEE is a traditional meeting based on the above objectives and covering all fundamental and applied aspects of electrochemistry, as shown in the Scientific Themes. The aim of the Third Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry: South‐East Europe is to bring scientists from the South-Eastern European Countries together with some representative scientists in the world for an improvement of mutual relations as well as an enhancement of scientific co-operation in the field of basic and applied electrochemical research. The quality of the conference is enhanced particularly by the participation of a large number of distinguished electrochemists and scientists from all the South-Eastern European countries and the international scientific community.
Scientific Themes:
experimental and theoretical methods in electrochemistry
physical electrochemistry and analytical electrochemistry
organic electrochemistry
environmental electrochemistry
bioelectrochemistry and biomedical applications
nanoscale and molecular electrochemistry
energy conversion and storage devices (batteries, fuel, and solar cells, electrochemical capacitors)
corrosion, passivation, and anodic films
electrochemistry of functional structures and materials (nanostructures, conducting polymer films, dielectrics, semiconductors)
electrochemical and electronic sensor devices
electrochemical synthesis, deposition, electrolysis, and engineering
The younger electrochemists from the region will have the opportunity to give oral presentations within a one-day Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – SSRSE dedicated exclusively to their work. This workshop will be organised immediately before RSE-SEE3, on May 13th, 2011.
In addition, a workshop on new materials for electrochemical recognition of mineral and biological species is planned. This workshop is at the second edition being held in French: Atelier scientifique international francophone Nouveaux matériaux pour la reconnaissance électrochimique des minéraux et des espèces biologiques acronyme « NOMARES ». Contributions in English will also be accepted. Its first edition was held in Bucharest on June 18-19th, 2010.
Looking forward to see you in Bucharest, please visit the symposium website & essaylab . org
Eleonora-Mihaela UNGUREANU
Chair of RSE-SEE3
(FP7 – REGPOT -2010-1-STREAM)
The “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, an institute of excellence of the Roumanian Academy, is strengthening its research capacity in targeted scientific areas, by adopting an interdisciplinary approach. STREAM project supports the institute activities toward this goal through mobility and knowledge exchange programs with outstanding EU research institutions, participation and organization of scientific events, hiring of experienced researchers, up-grading the research infrastructure and networking with both industry and research organizations from Roumania and abroad.
Targeted research areas:
Collaborative partners within STREAM:
University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux, MINES ParisTech – Sophia Antipolis, France
Institut Européen des Membranes, Montpellier, France
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et Physicochimie des Matériaux et des Interfaces, Grenoble, France
Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, Evry, France
InnoChemTech GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany
Potsdam University, Centre of Innovative Materials for Advanced Technologies, Potsdam, Germany
T.U.Braunschweig – Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Braunschweig , Germany
Institute of Thin Film and Microsensoric Technology, Teltow, Germany
Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland
University of Maribor – Laboratory for Characterization and Processing of Polymers, Maribor, Slovenia
Technological Institute of Construction – Stone processing, Valencia, Spain
Swiss Federal University of Technology – ETH Institute of Polymers, Zurich, Switzerland
*Web site: