Note to authors


Revue Roumaine de Chimie” (Roumanian Journal of Chemistry), abbreviated as Rev. Roum. Chim., publishes original papers, reviews, short notes and book reviews in all fields of chemistry in English. All manuscripts are subject to peer review; those not accepted for publication are not returned to the authors.

The manuscripts should be submitted online on or . Manuscripts should be written using Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP(.doc) (including abstracts, footnotes, tables and legends), fonts Times New Roman or Times Roman R, font size 11, double spacing, on one side of A4 paper.  The page setup is: A4, top: 2.85 cm, bottom: 2.85 cm, left: 2 cm, right: 2 cm, header: 1.85 cm, footer: 0 cm. Manuscripts should be usually no longer than 7-8 pages for original papers, 20 pages for reviews and 3-4 pages for short notes. Reference list, tables and figure captions should be given at their right place. After the title of the paper (size 14), the full name and forename of the authors should be indicated (size 12), as well as their affiliation, mentioning the full address of the institution (size 9). If there are several authors affiliated to different institutions, letters will be used as superscripts to indicate this (for instance: a, b, etc.). If the paper is part of a series, reference no. 1 should indicate the preceding part of the same series. The content of the paper will be preceded by an abstract (between 100 and 150 words) in English.

It is insistently recommended to structure the paper as follows: Introduction; Results; Discussion; Experimental; Conclusions; References.

At least once in the article the correct chemical names of newly synthesized compounds should be given according to Chemical Abstracts or IUPAC.

References in the text should be numbered by arabic numbers as superscripts.

Periodicals mentioned as references will be abbreviated using international standards (cf. Chemical Abstracts) in italics; the year in which that paper was published (in bold-faced letters) should be placed immediately after the journal name; the volume number should be given in italics; the pages on which the paper appeared should follow. For instance: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1990, 112, 4075-4078.

References of books should include: name of author(s) (with their initials), title of book (in “ ”, without being underlined), volume no. preceded by the abbreviation “vol.”, the edition number as well as the city where it was published, the year, and the publisher, and in the end, the cited pages. For edited books, the names of the editors should be also specified. For instance: R.F.C. Brown, “Pyrolytic Methods in Organic Chemistry”, Academic Press, New York, 1980, p.153-158.

Patents should be indicated as follows: author(s) or company, country and patent number, and if available the Chem. Abstr. quotation, e.g., M. Jones (Union Carbide), Brit. Pat. 601238, Sept. 2, 1959; cf. Chem. Abstr., 1960, 54, 12808.

In order to gain printing space, only essential figures and diagrams should be included. All the original data should be presented in tables or in the text. Figures, schemes, chemical formulae (including their letters) can be also drawn separately printed with a laser print. Figures should be numbered by arabic numbers and should have a legend (presented in the caption to figures on a separate sheet). Tables should be also numbered and should have a title. It is not recommended to present the same data in tables and figures.

The authors are asked to clearly indicate the italics and bold type letters as well as special characters such as the prefixes ortho, meta, para, cis, trans, etc., which should be never printed as capitals.

The manuscript must be accompanied by a suggestive synopsis (a diagram, or a graphic, or a  spectrum, or a chemical reaction, or a structural formula, and others) and key words (max. 5 words) for the Table of Contents.

The running title should be indicated and should not exceed 50 letters.

The authors will receive their articles in PDF format.

The content of the papers is the exclusive responsibility of the respective authors.