No 10, Octobre 2006
Tome 51, No 10, Octobre 2006
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1. Mălina RĂILEANU
The use of sol-gel method for biomaterials preparation
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Key words: sol-gel method, entrapped enzymes, glucose oxidase, proteases, biomaterials
2. Seok Han KIM, Jeong Seok NOH, Jong-Pyo KIM, Soong-Hyuck SUH and Nam Ho HEO
Synthesis and crystal structure of Na-A with occluded AgI and Ag4I4 nanoclusters
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Key words: zeolite, silver iodide, quantum dot, nanocluster, crystal structure
3. Carmen MÎŢĂ, Nicoleta CORNEI and Mihail-Liviu CRAUS
Phase composition and properties of YbMnO3-La0.67Sr0.33-1.67xK1.67xMnO3 system
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Key words: two phase perovskite system, lattice constants, cation-anion distances, Curie temperatures, specific magnetization
4. Mircea GRIGORAŞ and Daniel Gheorghe CONDURUŢĂ
Pseudopolyrotaxanes based on polyaniline and cucurbituril
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Key words: pseudorotaxane architecture, macrocyclic compounds, chemical oxidative polymerization
5. Wang-Geun SHIM, Hee MOON, Sang-Chai KIM, Chang-Ha LEE, Soong-Hyuck SUH and Jae-Wook LEE
Heterogeneity analysis based on liquid-phase adsorption of chlorophenols on activated carbon and polymer resins
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Key words: heterogeneity, adsorption, chlorophenols, generalized nonlinear regularization method
6. Doina MACOCINSCHI, Anca ŢĂRANU, Camelia HULUBEI and Silvia IOAN
Solution properties of poly(amic acid)s and polyimides
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Key words: poly(amic acid), polyimides, solution properties, perturbed dimension, unperturbed
7. Marinela CATRINCIUC, Olga IULIAN, Ligia Maria OMOTA and Irina NIŢĂ
Experimental and calculated properties in binary and ternary systems with water 1,4-dioxane and diethylene glycol at 298.15 K